Emergard auto-injector device to be developed for nerve-agent antidote delivery

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The U.S. military recently selected Emergard -- Emergent BioSolutions'  military-grade auto-injector platform -- to be developed for use in the field as a nerve-agent antidote delivery method.

Emergard is designed so that it can pierce chemical protective gear, a specific quality geared toward military and first-responder use. Development and testing of Emergard will be done in conjunction with Battelle, which already has a contract with the Department of Defense through the Defense Technical Information Center.

Adam Havey, Emergent BioSolutions' executive vice president and president of its biodefense division, was pleased to report Emergard's selection.

“The Emergard platform, which is designed for intramuscular self-injection of antidotes and other emergency-response medical treatments for nerve agents and other chemical threats, is another example of Emergent’s commitment to protecting lives and being a global leader in the development and manufacture of medical countermeasures that address biological and chemical threats, as well as emerging infectious diseases.”

Additional information about Emergent BioSolutions may be found at www.emergentbiosolutions.com.
