The U.S. Navy Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific awarded ManTech International Corporation a three-year, $174 million contract to provide a broad array of technical and professional services.
Under the contract, ManTech will provide such services as specification and design, fabrication, installation, test and evaluation, fielding, maintenance, training, and configuration and program management of both hardware and software systems.
Additionally, the award will expand ManTech's presence at SSCPAC and enhancing its 9 years of successful support to unmanned maritime systems support capabilities across the U.S. Navy and other Department of Defense organizations. ManTech will send subject-matter experts to Navy ships and activities worldwide as required.
"Providing full-spectrum lifecycle mission-critical support to military personnel in remote locations is essential for UMSS capability," Daniel Keefe, president and COO of ManTech's Mission Solutions & Services Group, said. "We are pleased to provide innovative solutions to enhance the effectiveness of SSCPAC's UMSS efforts."
ManTech is a leading provider of innovative technologies and solutions for mission-critical national security programs for the Intelligence Community; the Departments of Defense, State, Homeland Security, Energy, Veterans Affairs, and Justice, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the health and space communities; and other U.S. federal government customers.
Man Tech gets $174M Navy contract