The president of the Special Operations Education Fund (OPSEC) is calling on Secretary of State John Kerry to pull all security clearances for Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The group also wants security clearances pulled for Clinton's former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, her former Deputy Chief of Staff Jake Sullivan, and her adviser Huma Abedin until it can be determined that no laws were broken.
“When you recklessly compromise top secret sensitive compartmented information, you compromise the security of the United States," OPSEC President Scott Taylor said. "We now know Mrs. Clinton’s personal email and server contained national security intelligence classified at the highest possible level (and) because it was on her personal system and the information was classified at the time the emails were sent, that intelligence is now considered compromised. The standard procedure is that all individuals involved would have their access to classified information suspended pending an investigation.”
According to Taylor, recent confirmation by
Director of National Intelligence Inspector General I. Charles McCullough that emails stored and transmitted on her personal server contained top secret and higher levels of classified information demonstrates there were egregious violations of laws and regulations, including at least one federal criminal statute.
Group calls for revocation of Clinton's security clearance