The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) is opposing President Barack Obama’s much-touted Clean Power Plan, which aims to reduce carbon emissions from America’s power plants.
The plan calls for the nation’s power producers to cut greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging better efficiency and by moving toward natural gas and zero-emission renewable sources.
That would move the country’s power infrastructure away from coal-fired plants, which environmental scientists have pinned as the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases.
The ACCCE is a nonprofit advocacy group that represents major American coal producers and advocates cleaner-burning coal technology. The organization, which seeks to influence public opinion and legislation in favor of coal-generated electricity, sees the plan as potentially disastrous for Americans.
The ACCCE stated that the Obama administration’s carbon plan will raise energy costs for American families and do nothing to impact climate change.
“The president’s plan will result in unnecessary economic adversity for … all Americans,” ACCCE Senior Vice President of Communications Laura Sheehan said. “Instead of showing off his pet project, he should be focusing on the everyday Americans who rely on affordable energy to keep the lights on for their families.”
The ACCCE cites a survey from the National Energy Assistance Directors Association, which shows that low-income families are struggling to cope with energy costs. The ACCCE says it believes the president’s plan will cost more than $40 billion per year while raising electricity prices in 43 states. The organization is also skeptical of how much effect the president’s plan would have on climate change.
The ACCCE says the administration is ignoring the potential danger that the Clean Power Plan would jeopardize up to 700 thousand jobs nationally.
“Dismissing the very real consequences associated with decimating people’s jobs while driving up electricity costs is a dangerous proposition,” Sheehan said. “Unfortunately, the president seems bent on keeping his blinders on at the expense of American families, businesses and economy.”
Clean coal advocates angry over Obama administration's Clean Power Plan