Chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Seapower and Projections Forces, Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA), is pressing the Air Force on its plans for a new long-range bomber.
The subcommittee hearing was titled "The Future of Air Force Long-Range Strike - capabilities and employment concepts." It came together to discuss the future of the U.S. Air Force’s long-range bomber strike capabilities and deployment ideas.
The panel included George Mason University Professor Lt. Gen (Ret) Robert J. Elder, Mark Gunzinger of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and
Rebecca Grant, who heads IRIS Independent Research.
Forbes opened the meeting by outlining the history of U.S. long-range strike capabilities and the importance of those bombers in forming the national defense strategy.
“Our long-range strike capabilities must evolve further to address the range of challenges posed by the rapid and threatening rise of China, a resurgent and expansionist Russia, a subversive and terror supporting Iran and an unpredictable and provocative North Korea.” Forbes said.
Forbes said the current bomber force is a cause for great concern.
“As we grapple with the proliferation of anti-access systems and contested environments, dwindling force structure and continuing budget constraints and uncertainty, it is critically important that we identify the long-range strike capabilities and concepts that we need for the future," he said.
Rep. Forbes concerned about Air Force's long-range bomber capabilities