Wisconsin to teach citizens to protect themselves at cyber security summit

Wisconsin to teach citizens to protect themselves at cyber security summit.
Wisconsin to teach citizens to protect themselves at cyber security summit.
Wisconsin is set to host cyber security experts at its third annual Cyber Security Summit at Marquette University in Milwaukee on Oct. 28; last year, more than three thousand citizens of Wisconsin were the victims of cyber crime, and law enforcement officials say that number continues to grow, including businesses and government agencies that have fallen prey to cyber theft.

The Wisconsin Cyber Security Summit is part of the October Cyber Awareness Month campaign. The summit unites leaders from business, industry, government and academia to discuss how the private and public sectors can work together to face the ongoing cyber threat. The most important aspect of that security comes in relation to major infrastructure such as power, rail, pipeline and water systems.

Speakers at this year’s summit will include Thomas MacLellan of FireEye Incorporated. He will discuss the detection of cyber threats and attacks that impact businesses and government.

Officials with the SANS Institute will also be on hand to review the latest methods to protect critical infrastructure. FBI agents will be in attendance to highlight some of the recent cyber crime cases that have occurred in Wisconsin and to discuss tactics and techniques to help businesses and government organizations better protect their systems and data from such threats.

The Cyber Summit will be held at Marquette University’s Alumni Memorial Union in the Monaghan Ballroom. Registration for the annual conference is now being accepted at www.trainingwisconsin.org.
