The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE) recently released Coal Facts, a webpage dedicated to shining a positive light on the coal industry in the midst of regulatory efforts to reduce the use of coal in U.S. energy generation.
“Coal is the proven leader when it comes to generating affordable and reliable electricity,” ACCCE Senior Vice President of Communications Laura Sheehan said. “Yet over the past several years, President Obama and his EPA have worked tirelessly to strip this critical component from our nation’s energy mix for what amounts to ineffectual environmental benefits. In this time, the administration has disparaged the industry and misrepresented the reality of the situation: Americans from all walks of life rely on this abundant, cost-saving resource. Our new web page provides a handy resource for those seeking the truth.”
The website,, includes 10 coal facts and simple graphics illustrating the path from mine to electricity. Information provided includes the connection between coal use and lower electricity rates, industry investment in emission-reduction technology and the country’s coal reserves.
“Despite economic uncertainty, the administration has remained intent on imposing onerous regulations on our nation’s power plants, effectively passing cost increases on to consumers who are already struggling to make ends meet,” Sheehan said. “Fortunately, at the behest of many state leaders, the U.S. Supreme Court put a kibosh on Obama’s costly Clean Power Plan while its constitutionality is reviewed.”
Coal-industry group launches web page to counter anti-coal rhetoric