API asks PHMSA for more clarity on rail tank-car safety jurisdiction

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The American Petroleum Institute (API) recently petitioned the U.S. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), asking that it further define its role in the regulation of rail tank-car safety, as well as the industry’s role in the development of such standards.

“Ensuring the safe performance of tank cars is paramount to our industry,” API Director of Midstream and Industry Operations Robin Rorick said. “PHMSA’s role as the regulator for tank-car safety ensures tank-car safety designs are in the public interest. Attempts by third-party groups to deviate from PHMSA’s tank-car requirements could compromise safety and jeopardize the strides industry has made to ensure the safe transport of products by rail.”

API’s petition, signed by other industry groups, requests that PHMSA clarify its regulator role for rail tank-car safety. The groups also requested clarification as to the role of industry stakeholders in the process of creating new standards.

“While industry voices from the railroads, shippers and builders are critical to advancing safety by developing and recommending new and innovative safety measures, it needs to be clear that PHMSA is the sole authority for deciding what the tank-car design requirements should be.”

Other groups involved in the petition include the American Chemistry Council, American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, Chlorine Institute, Fertilizer Institute, National Association of Chemical Distributors, National Industrial Transportation League, Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates, Sulphur Institute and the U.S. Clay Producers Traffic Association Inc.
