National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA) Industry Director Bill Hoyt was the co-chair at Impact
Energy’s recent 2016 International Motor Summit for Energy Efficiency in Zurich, Switzerland.
"We are honored to have Bill Hoyt
among the Motor Summit leadership," Impact Energy Managing Director
and Co-owner Rita Werle, who also served as co-chair of the 2016 Motor Summit, said.
The summit exposes attendees to technologies that
can potentially reduce the energy demand of motors and motor systems. Motors and motor systems, pumps, fans and compressors
in buildings amount to approximately 45 percent of electricity consumption
throughout the world, making the existing and new technologies displayed at
the summit, which offered 20 to 30 percent reductions in energy consumption, an
exciting prospect.
"We are committed to providing high-quality,
energy-efficient, and safe motor products to the public," Hoyt said.
"The summit is a wonderful opportunity to collaborate and exchange ideas
with industry specialists."
National Electrical Manufacturers Association director co-chairs 2016 International Motor Summit