Bravura Information Technology Systems Inc.
recently joined Lockheed Martin and TCOM in a $305.7 million contract with the
U.S. Army for the new Persistent Surveillance Systems – Tethered program.
The program will use Army aerostats and
combine the capabilities of the Persistent Threat Detection System (PTDS) and
the Persistent Ground Surveillance System, providing intelligence,
surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR).
"These aerostats provide crucial
information and protection for our men and women in uniform who serve in remote
and dangerous locations," Bravura CEO Claudine Adams said. "We are
thrilled that our dedicated team will support these key programs and continue
the important legacy of aerostat innovation."
Under the contract, Bravura will ensure
operations, maintenance and sustainment of the aerostats in the program, which
will allow troops in the field to better conduct ISR activities, better protect
their forces and better communicate through networks extended beyond line of
"We are pleased to partner with Bravura to
extend our legacy of lighter-than-air innovation, engineering and
production," Paula Hartley, vice president of advanced product solutions at Lockheed Martin, said. "PTDS has performed exceptionally in
Afghanistan and Iraq since 2004 and we are looking forward to many more years
of supporting our customers' needs for affordable, reliable aerostat
Bravura joins Lockheed, TCOM to support Army's Persistent Surveillance Systems – Tethered program