Constellium recently won a Combat Vehicle
Prototype (CVP) platform support contract from the U.S. Army Tank Automotive
Research Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) that will see the company supply
its KEIKOR 2139 aluminum-alloy technology for the entire CVP integrated hull capsule.
"We are proud to see KEIKOR 2139, our
leading solution for integral hull applications, selected over several other
considered materials," Constellium Industry and Defense Vice
President of Sales Transportation David Meacham said. "Thanks to a tireless focus on research
and innovation, and a strong investment program over the past five years, we
have developed the broadest global offering of specialized aluminum alloys for
armor applications."
KEIKOR 2139, an aluminum alloy boasting
best-in-class performance, has demonstrated superior armor piercing capabilities
and has been used in the successful Concept for Advanced Military
Explosion-mitigated Land (CAMEL) program.
"Constellium's KEIKOR 2139 aluminum
alloy met the necessary performance properties and characterized manufacturing
process for the performance and packaging requirements that we were looking for
in our hull structure," TARDEC Chief Engineer for CVP Survivability Erik Polsen said. "What's more, once we selected the material, we were able
to work with Constellium closely to begin the alloy processing quickly, and
they were able to cut the originally-quoted delivery time by more than
Constellium wins aluminum alloy contract for Army armored vehicle program