The U.S. Navy recently unveiled its newest
recruitment tool – a virtual reality experience that allows civilians to
simulate a high-speed water extraction mission to rescue a Navy SEAL team.
"We've spent significant time and
resources developing this state-of-the-art virtual reality experience to
transform and elevate the way people think about the Navy," Navy
Recruiting Command Deputy Commander Rear Admiral Doug "Woody" Beal said. "This
display offers users the most realistic Navy experience possible. Virtual
reality has allowed the U.S. Navy to come a long way. Where we once were only
able to describe these experiences, now we can actually show the reality of a
Navy mission in an interactive way, using the best technology available.”
Participants receive a video briefing on
the mission before jumping into the experience, which sees them pilot a high-speed
assault craft and extract the SEAL team. When finished, participants are debriefed and receive feedback and grading on their performance.
"It's a new opportunity to demonstrate
how the Navy helps develop and deploy the most technologically advanced
equipment in the world," National Director of Navy Marketing and
Advertising at Navy Recruiting Command Captain Dave Bouve said. "To reach a
high-caliber pool of recruiting prospects, you need high-caliber recruiting
tools, and this display is truly state-of-the-art."
Navy turns virtual reality experience into a recruitment tool