King Abdullah II from
Jordan met Mattis at the Pentagon, where the two discussed “the importance of
the U.S.-Jordanian strategic relationship and America’s commitment to security
and stability in the region,” Navy Capt. Jeff Davis said.
Davis noted that for
many years the two leaders have had a strong relationship and clear dialogue, and that Mattis “expressed his deep appreciation to King Abdullah II
for Jordan's commitment and contributions to the coalition to counter the
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.”
In addition to meeting
with the king of Jordan, Mattis made contact with South Korea Defense
Minister Han Minkoo. This over-the-phone meeting allowed for the two leaders
to introduce themselves and offer their commitments to defend one another’s
“(There was an) affirmation that the U.S.-South Korea alliance of more than
60 years remains even more relevant today and (the nations are) determined to take steps to
strengthen the alliance further to defend against the evolving North Korean
threat,’” Davis said.
Additionally, Mattis met
with Italian Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti.
Mattis congratulated
Pinotti on his strong leadership skills and professionalism, and provided his
desire to consult closely with Italy on security issues of mutual concern,
especially Libya.
Mattis meets with Jordan’s King Abdullah II

Three world leaders recently spoke
with U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis about the nation’s
security, defense and stability.