HHS' Price lauds Alaska health care waiver

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price recently commended the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Department of the Treasury for issuing the state an innovation waiver.

State innovation waivers first became available Jan. 1 to allow states to try different approaches for providing health insurance while keeping Affordable Care Act rules, according to an announcement. They are issued for a period of five years and can be renewed as long as they do not increase the federal deficit.

“Alaskans have suffered greatly under Obamacare,” Price said in the announcement. “Premiums on the state’s individual market have tripled since the law was implemented, while just one issuer is still selling plans. HHS has been working with our partners in Alaska to determine how best to provide some relief from this situation.”

Price said the approval will support Alaska’s reinsurance program and keep premium prices under control.

“Washington does not have all the answers when it comes to healthcare,” Price said. “State Innovation Waivers are just one step of many we are taking to inaugurate a new era of state flexibility and innovation in healthcare, and we look forward to more productive work with our state partners.”

HHS approved the Trump administration’s first waiver when it allowed Alaska to pursue its own reinsurance initiative.
